Wednesday 22 October 2014

Research into Target Audience

Research Into Target Audience

As presented through the data in the pie chart displayed, the majority of the participants were male(62%), only 38% of the participants female. This could suggest that the results may not be accurate as the gender ratio is imbalanced. Both females and males may have varied opinions, therefore the results would increase in validity if there was to be a balanced ratio of male:female participants.

The data shows that it was predominantly 15-17 year old participants providing the results to our questionnaire. This is due to group decision to create a 15 rated thriller film and subsequently felt it very important to collect results from this age group in particular. The results could then be easily applied to our thriller film as it would be of suitable content for our target age group.

With 50% of people asked saying they prefer watching horror films, this has inspired our thriller film. With this in mind there will be a definite inclusion in mild gore, feeding the demographic's lust for those key bloody horror elements. However, I feel as though in order to completely stick to the 15 rating our thriller film should include more elements of the next popular style of thriller film, psychological. This style would provide a perfect opening to a thriller film as it would forebode gore and horror elements whilst not including them, and leaving the audience questioning what will happen next. Thus following the key conventions of any typical thriller film.

When referring to a thriller film and thinking of a persuit or death scene, many will immediately think of a knife. This logic is supported as 75% of people asked said theyd expect the use of a knife. This murderous and effective prop will not only be easy to convey but, it will help to build tension and suspense by even briefly suggesting its presence. As we do not have a long period of time, in regards to the duration of the thriller opening, this iconography will be extremely effective as it will be effective not matter how rapid the emphasis. 

When thinking of a location for my future thriller film felt as though there were a variety of settings suitable for following the conventions of a thriller film and that were effective. The questionnaire did not produce anything other than equal results. However, I feel as though this just shows how equally effective a house, road, forest setting is in a thriller film. This has influence our thriller film greatly as we have decided to hopefully include at least two of these settings, if not all three. This will result in a highly conventional thriller film and provide the opportunity to include a variety of shots and enticing angles.

One of the main aspects of any thriller film is the killer, therefore it was crucial we made certain what our demographic felt the most effective killer was. This was subsequently inserted into the questionnaire. We found that the majority of people agree that an omniscient or unknown character is far more effective than any killer, with a relationship to the victim/protagonist. This I feel is because the unidentified killer could in fact fit any of the character profiles, presented on the pie chart but the viewer would not know. The mystery and suspense created by this eerie unknown is essential to a film of the thriller genre, as the audience will find the opening leaving them wanting more.

I felt the highest ranking answer, obvious to this question, would be a women. This personal hypothesis I have created derives from the damsel in distress image of women that has been prevalent for centuries within the thriller genre especially. The portrayal of woman as an icon of innocence, naivety and helplessness is a classic convention of thriller films. However, I was surprised to find that 25% of people feel that a male character is a typical victim. This percentage is higher than the mere 13% for a child victim. Personally I believe that a child victim is frequently used with in thriller films as they are perfect for displaying hard hitting narratives of broken innocence an naivety as the film progresses. This style of narrative is sure to provoke a sympathetic and extremely emotive response from a viewer. Therefore I believe a male victim is not as effective than that of a child. Although, I have taken into account the percentages of participants and concluded that, the over weighted side of male participants may have influenced bias within the results.

With 72% of participants answering that low key or dark lighting is conventionally used, it seems fairly unanimous. It is clear that this type of lighting is expected, to enhance the suspense, surprises and shock provoked. With this in mind, we aim to base our opening scene around a nighttime theme.The prevalent darkness will forebode the horrors that many befall the victim, later on in the film. As well as this, it will create a sense of ambiguity as the shots will not provide a clear image, but a hazy view of the action. In turn this will leave the audience riddled with tension, as they scrutinize the images presented to dangers or suspicious behavior. 

Before reviewing the results collected from the questionnaire, we felt as though there would be a varied collection of answers, in regards to sound. The results proved this theory with seven types of answers. The most popular however proved to be screams with 19%. Screams are classic diegetic parallel sounds in a thriller film as, they are paired with pain and suffering and placed into conventional scenes such as, pursuit and death.The second most popular answer, with an extremely close 18% was, footsteps. Footsteps provides the idea that someone is following the protagonist and a sense of foreboding, thus building a heightened tense atmosphere within the audience. I believe footsteps will be easily included and due to our difference locations, we should test the effect in each setting, determining which surface is more effective. In my opinion, I feel as though the forest will prove the most effective. This is because the character will be stepping such items as, leaves and twigs which provide a loud unsettling sound, perfect for enhancing unease within the viewer.

The results presented that 63% of participants agree that they would rather the actors be a similar age to themselves. The reasons given were mainly, because they could find themselves relating to the character/s, in turn building a relationship with such characters which would provoke an enhanced emotive response from the viewer. However the 27% which argued no, they would not want the actors a similar age, also argued the opposite to the answers given by those stating yes. This 27% answered that they did not want to relate to much with the characters as they preferred thriller situations detached from their everyday lives. We decided that not only would it be easier to find people of a 15-17 age to feature within our film, but we and 63% agree that by the audience easily relating to the characters, it will in turn provide a positively emotive response from the audience.

In order to obtain a reliable set of results we wanted to included a variety of questions which were open, and left the participant with room to give their personal opinion i.e 'why?' questions. By having the option to give their own feedback and view this did not pigeon hole their answer. It also provided us this a greater understanding and answers we had not anticipated, which were in fact very helpful. However, although the open questions allowed free reign of the answer, I found that a great quantity of people asked did not elaborate their answers. This may suggest that everyone has such a varied opinion of subject matters, such as thriller films, that many were nervous to voice their opinion and therefore settled with a simple one word response. As well as this it may be possible that the audience like the element of surprise a thriller film induces and subsequently wish to be surprised with the content.

The use of the questionnaire for data has provided us with a greater understanding of what people love to see whilst viewing a thriller. It has also aided the planning and inspiration of many ideas for our film whether it be, setting, lighting etc. 

Below is two vox pops, displaying the authenticity of my answers and myself asking the questions. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, and how you will incorporate them within your sequence.

    You need to:
    1) Try and give specific examples of what within your thriller because of your results
    2) Elaborate on what you might include within your sequence as a result of questions asked
    3) Include an intro stating why research was carried out and why 40 people were asked
    4) Include a conclusion explaining the overall impact of your results on your opening sequence
    5) Include all 3 vox pops
