Thursday 9 October 2014

Research- Conventions of a Thriller

Research- Conventions of a Thriller

I have chosen the 'family reunion' clip from the film 'Halloween H20- 20 years later' to explore the conventions of a typical thriller ( The associations made between thriller films are usually, ill lit forest scenery and a chase scene between protagonists and the antagonist. Within regards to this clip these associations are exactly what is featured, living up to the some what clique yet effected thriller genre.

The editing process is crucial in thrillers, especially in chase scenes such as this one, the audience are on the edge of their seats, analyzing every move the characters makes. Therefore, the scenes have to be effortlessly joint together, whilst creating tension. Within this clip there is a prevalent use of jump cuts. This particular editing technique is used, especially in thriller films. This is because its fast transition into a different shot or view of another character is perfect for creating a speedy tempo. This can be compared to the rapid heart beat of the terrified protagonists within the scene, as they flee from the masked figure. 
During the clip, the two protagonists finally think they have escaped from the masked antagonist, locking them selves behind a metal gate. However, the female character drops the keys outside of the locked gate. There is constant jump cuts included in these few seconds. The reason for this being, that it adds more suspense as the audience waits impatiently to find out whether the masked figure manages to attack her, whilst she attempts to retrieve the keys. It also helps to maintain a fast tempo, thus intensifying the tension created. This is a classic editing technique used in almost all thriller films because, it helps build an uneasy atmosphere, whilst swiftly making a transaction in the scene. As well as this, the timing of shots are also crucial; not always is a fast pace necessary, a slow timing of shots can be extremely effective. This is displayed within end on the clip when, the masked figure and female are face to face in the window of the door. This is effective as it contrasts with the constant fast pace of the scene. It also give the audience time to reflect upon the importance of the face to face meeting. Thriller films are classic for their dramatic breaks in what was a seemingly sustained fast tempo. By doing so it attacks the viewer's senses as they are bombarded with a variety on tension building shots.

Camera angles (shots) are another key element to any film, however its particular angles and shots that make a thriller film recognizable. For example, Steadicam, this means that the camera is mounted on to a stabilizer and creates a smooth shot, even when following characters running or over uneven ground. In the clip from 'Halloween-H20' the female and male characters are presented running from the masked figure. The camera follows their frantic sprint away from the figure. By following the characters whilst they are running, it places the audience in their position. This in turn creates a more realistic and emotive response from the viewer as, they briefly experience the terror the characters are subject to. Placing the audience in the position of the characters is a technique classic to thrillers. As well as this, close ups are also essential to the thriller genre. Within the clip the protagonists are shown through the use of many close ups. This is because, it is essential to the film that the protagonist's facial expressions are clearly displayed, as to present to the viewer how serious the situation is, thus making them frightful of what is to become of the characters.

Another key convention of the thriller genre is lighting, or lack of in regards to thrillers. Typically films of this genre are presented as dark and gloomy. Following these initial connotations of a thriller, within the clip i have chosen, there is minimal lighting. This is due to the scene being mainly placed within a forest like setting. It is not completely pitch black; basic street lamps are used to mildly illuminate the scenery. This makes it easy for the audience to read the facial expressions of the characters, without completely removing the tension created by darkness. The constant lack of lighting is effective as it mirrors the darkness of the narrative, subsequently building wide spread suspense for the audience.

Sound within thrillers especially is crucial also as, it is used to create a tense ambiance and, simply scare the viewer with violent, sudden noises. The clip features a continual and progressive music, otherwise know as non-diegetic sound. This music is dramatically interrupted by sudden crash, when the masked figure is introduced, grabbing the female protagonist's hair, whilst grasping a large knife. The sudden crash emphasizes the immediate danger the protagonists are in, leaving the viewers scared for the lives of the characters and tense with curiosity of what is to come next. Parallel sounds are included to work hand in hand with the image on screen. The clip displays clear parallel sounds such as, the sound of stabbing as the antagonist penetrates the leg of the male protagonist, with a large knife. The sounds that then befall the stabbing such as, screams of pain from the victim, are also parallel sounds. Sounds like screams of pain are typical of a thriller film, displaying the raw emotion exuded by the victim, and creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for the audience as they hear the pain and suffering. 

To conclude, I believe that no matter how clique the classic conventions of a thriller film may seem(i.e, dark settings, eerie and dramatic music, close ups of the characters horrified facial expressions), they are essential to any film of this genre. These elements visually and orally taut the audience into a state of suspense and in summery, that's the main objective of a thriller film. I hope to include many of these classic aspects of the genre within my future thriller film, as they are undoubtedly effective. Also, by including many of these recognizable attributes, the audience can easily familiarize themselves with the film, and in turn follow the narrative easily.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of the conventions used within this sequence, explaining what their purposes are and what they create for the audience.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you explain how each convention helps the audience build relationships with the characters
    2) Make sure you explain how each conventional if conventional of the thriller genre and why
    3) Double check your terminologies (minimal lighting should be LOW KEY lighting)
    4) In your intro, explain what conventions are and identify some of the thriller genre
