Thursday 9 October 2014

Research Into Sound

Research Into Sound

To aid my research into sound I have chosen the opening clip from 'Scream' on Netflix, from 0:33-4:30. I have chosen this clip as it includes a variety of sound elements and demonstrates the importance of sounds within films. It is crucial for a film to include sound as it, engages the audience and especially in thriller films helps to inform them, through the strong building of tension, what is about to take place. Such sound techniques as parallel sound (where the images on screen and sound go hand in hand) help to grasp the viewers attention.

The film opens with the sound of a phone a phone ringing. This is known as an on screen sound as the audience can see it is coming from the females phone. The film starts with the phone ringing as it presents a theme of normality, as nothing out of the ordinary is staking place. However, the audience is aware the film is a thriller and are therefore left questioning the seeming average phone call. As well as this, we are not aware of who the speaker over the phone is and the viewer is left tense as the identity of the caller remains a secret. The tension caused by the immediate 'calm before the storm'/ normality of the phone call, is typical of a thriller film. This is due to its ability to build a sense of unease within the viewer.

Diegetic sound is sound which is part of the film, the viewers can easily view the source and is parallel to the action taking place. Within the clip the female protagonist is asked by the unidentified caller "what is your favourite scary movie?", to which she replies "halloween" and lifts the knife from its holder, producing a slicing type sound as she removes it from the holder then places it back again. She brings attention to the knife whilst taking about 'Halloween' as the film begins with a violent stabbing. Therefore the subtle slicing sound produced by the knife creates a sense of foreboding. The audience is then left unsettled as there is clearly a connection between the knife/slicing sounds and the female protagonist. The sense of foreboding created by the sound effect is essential for any thriller film and it taunts the audience, as they can clearly see something bad is about to take place, however they do not know when and are left on the edge of their seats.

Non-diegetic sound is sound that is not apart of the film action i.e a soundtrack or sound effects. within this clip a tension building music is introduced as the caller hints that he is watching the female protagonist. The music is predominantly violin based and the eerie soprano sound of the strings provides a perfect tension building, and atmospheric music. The music works hand in hand with the dialogue to make to make the foreboding threat apparent to the audience. As the music becomes more frantic and obvious and not just a subtle background noise, this builds vast tension within the viewer. The strong sense of foreboding and swift dynamic of unsettling background music creates mass tension within the view, a typical trait of any thriller film. 

Parallel sound, or sound that compliments the image on screen, I mentioned previously, is featured within the clip from Scream. The female protagonist places some popcorn on the stove to cook, subsequently producing the sound of popcorn poping. The sound is parallel to the scene as the viewer would expect a poping sound as it cooks. Although the popcorn is only a subtle element to the scene, it actually plays a role in heightening the tension. The imagery of the popcorn slowly expanding mirrors the situation the female protagonist is currently dealing with over the phone, as she slowly begins to realize the severity of the situation and it instantly spirals out of her control. As well as this, the sound of the popcorn cooking becomes gradually louder. This may have been included in order to briefly distract the audience from the unidentified caller the female is speaking to. Thus leaving them more shocked when the caller's threats begin to weave into the conversation and the danger is presented. Turning a typical item such as popcorn, into a tension building device is a typical of the thriller genre. This is because when the audience comes out of the film and back home they are reminded by simple objects of the movie and the fear it provoked.

I believe that a variety of sound techniques are essential to a thriller film as they aid the narrative, by foreboding the dangers to come and build tension and fear. I have become inspired, through my research, to include something as simplistic as the cooking popcorn, to build tension. Further more, by including a mixture of parallel sounds and non-diegetic sounds especially, this will make for a more interesting viewing for the audience.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good analysis of the sound techniques used within this sequence, mentioning what sound is used and what it creates; however, you need to analyse two more techniques

    You need to:
    1) Relate all points back to the audience and how they are able to build a relationship with the audience
    2) Relate all points back to the thriller genre and whether it is conventional
    3) Analyse two more examples
    4) Elaborate on your points further to show a deeper understanding
