Monday 6 October 2014

Research Into The History Of The Thriller Film

Research Into The History Of The Thriller Film

A thriller is a book or film which is designed to keep the reader or viewer on edge with suspenseful and sensational action. Thrillers have also been produced in the radio, theater, and television media. This genre is incredibly large, and thrillers often overlap with pieces of work produced in other genres; mysteries, for example, are often thrillers.. The plots of thrillers can vary widely. Some are supernatural, for example, centering around mystical antagonists. Others are scientific or medical in nature, forcing their protagonists to contend with biological agents or mysterious scientific happenings. Some are simply straight mysteries with clever, horrific, or intriguing antagonists, while others be focused on the inner workings of the legal system, environmental threats, technology, or natural disasters. One long-established thriller genre is the spy thriller, featuring an often heroic and dashing spy who must confront whichever enemy happens to be popular at the moment.(WiseGEEK)

The thriller film has changed drastically over the years, the main difference being the style of plot. During the 1930's/40's the thriller film based its plot around crime and story lines that had a prodominatly a 'real life' feel to them. The reality of the films allowed the audience to become immersed in the suspence and tension created by the typical hero heroine duo. The thriller films of this time period were usually based around an eduring and passionate love that battle what ever stood in its way, eventually leading to the male character sweeping the women off her feet. This type of realistic fantsy proved especially popular, possibly because the women especially, of the 1930's liked to escape the pain and suffering cause by the world war ll, and enter a world, far different from their own.

Timeline Of The Thriller Film

1940- Rebecca- is an American psychological drama-thriller film and Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The film depicts how a bride is antagonisted by her husbands first- dead- wife.


1960- Psycho-


1980- The Shining


2000- The Ring

insert grossing films- hannibal 

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