Thursday 12 March 2015

As Evaluation- Question 7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Firstly, the purpose of the preliminary task was to help become familiar with the filming equipment, such as the camera and tripod, as well as, introducing us to the editing software Final Cut Pro X. This introduction into the equipment and software not only put my mind at ease, but also reduced the time period of editing our opening thriller, as we were already accustom to how myself and my group would approach this task. This task also helped myself and my group members decided what roles each member would be issued in terms of how familiar each of us were with either the camera and filming or editing on the software. 

Personally, what I took from the preliminary task was a better understanding for the minor details I had over looked. For example, I had not considered that the tripod would need to be of a certain tightness in order for you to be able to easily pan the camera round. Another example is attaching the camera; the camera is highly expensive therefore I had not realised how crucial it was to securely attach the camera to the tripod so it is stable and not likely to fall from the tripod.In addition, with filming, the camera frequently became unfocused, I then went on to learn that if i simply place a white piece of paper in front of the lens for a few seconds and then remove it, the camera will automatically focus. This technique I found extremely helpful during the filming process, as during the filming of our thriller opening I found the camera frequently becoming unfocused. In addition, I learnt basic and effective camera angles, which although simple present meaning and a more enhanced viewing. In regards to what Myself and my group filmed in our preliminary task, I learned how important the use of an over shoulder shot is. Before my introduction into filming I had not considered how important it was, however this shot places the audience directly in the scene and immerses them in the action, meaning they are completely engrossed in what is beginning presented to them.

The skills I have developed and learnt throughout this task has been, firstly, how to set the camera up ready for filming, whether that be on the tripod, or just the positioning of the shots. In turn this skill helped ease the filming process of our thriller as I was aware of how to quickly prepare the camera. In regards to filming, I have developed a vast knowledge of camera angles and shot, all of which I had no knowledge of before the preliminary task. Some angles and shots I have become familiar with are, mid shot, long shot, panning, close up's etc. In addition I have developed a new found understanding for the editing process of a film, such as my thriller, with the help of Final Cut Pro X. The editing of our preliminary task and our thriller opening were very similar, so this meant myself and my group could easily work together to quickly and efficiently produce our thriller, without the wasted time getting used to the program. In conclusion, everyone of the new skills I have gained adapted were all applicable to the creation of our thriller film, therefore I feel it was a crucial learning process we could not have missed out on, as it would have seriously impaired our thriller opening.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your preliminary task, briefly outlining what you learnt from it and why. You have not explained how you created specific camera techniques or what the actual brief was.

    You need to:
    1) Explain what you were required to do for this task
    2) State specifically how you created certain camera techniques
    3) State difficulties encountered and how you overcame them
