Thursday 12 March 2015

As Evaluation- Question 4

Who would be the audience for you media product?

Having a suitable target audience is one of the main factors considered when creating any form of film.When first looking into the creation of myself and my groups opening thriller, we researched the wide variety of age ratings and what their requirements were for that type of audience. As well as my ground and I collected information in the form a style of interview, when in which we has organised a series of questions and filmed their response. Through our research into the BBFC's age ratings and peoples responses to thriller films, we decided that an age rating of 15 would be suitable as our target audience. The selection of people myself and my group interviewed were all teenagers and they we on to express how crucial it was for the characters of our thriller film to be teenagers themselves. Mostly all of the teenage we talked to agreed that by having the characters of the same age would mean they could easily relate with the characters on screen, and in turn provoke a greater emotional response to the action on screen. As well as this, myself and my group members all fit into this young adult/ teenage age bracket, therefore it makes it easy for us to determine what a 15+ audience would look for in a thriller film. Through research we discovered that the 15+ audience would be a combination of both male and females; neither gender seemed to out weigh the other. Within our groups opening thriller film we created the two female victims as extremely stereotypical of what teenagers are expected to be like. For example, the two female victims are shown as reckless and rebellious as they walk the streets intoxicated. However, it was crucial we didn't only present a stereotypical view of teenagers to our target audience, therefore, we have included the juxtaposing antagonist. The antagonist is of a 15+ age group; by having the antagonist of the same age as our demographic, this means that our audience will be unintentionally relating to elements of the antagonist's character, which will make the audience tense and shock by what someone just like themselves could be capable of. Finally, myself and my group feel as though we have created a successful thriller opening which caters to our intended audience. This is through the use of typical thriller conventions and the relatable characters, which help draw the audience in and leave them more shocked when the dark and horrific events begin to take place.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a proficient analysis of how your sequence would appeal to your target audience, referring to specific examples from the narrative and with regards to characters in particular; however, you need to elaborate on the importance of having a target audience and micro-elements used

    You need to:
    1) Elaborate on the importance of establishing an audience first
    2) Elaborate on why your sequence appeals to your TA in relation to micro-elements etc.
