Thursday 12 March 2015

As Evaluation- Question 7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Firstly, the purpose of the preliminary task was to help become familiar with the filming equipment, such as the camera and tripod, as well as, introducing us to the editing software Final Cut Pro X. This introduction into the equipment and software not only put my mind at ease, but also reduced the time period of editing our opening thriller, as we were already accustom to how myself and my group would approach this task. This task also helped myself and my group members decided what roles each member would be issued in terms of how familiar each of us were with either the camera and filming or editing on the software. 

Personally, what I took from the preliminary task was a better understanding for the minor details I had over looked. For example, I had not considered that the tripod would need to be of a certain tightness in order for you to be able to easily pan the camera round. Another example is attaching the camera; the camera is highly expensive therefore I had not realised how crucial it was to securely attach the camera to the tripod so it is stable and not likely to fall from the tripod.In addition, with filming, the camera frequently became unfocused, I then went on to learn that if i simply place a white piece of paper in front of the lens for a few seconds and then remove it, the camera will automatically focus. This technique I found extremely helpful during the filming process, as during the filming of our thriller opening I found the camera frequently becoming unfocused. In addition, I learnt basic and effective camera angles, which although simple present meaning and a more enhanced viewing. In regards to what Myself and my group filmed in our preliminary task, I learned how important the use of an over shoulder shot is. Before my introduction into filming I had not considered how important it was, however this shot places the audience directly in the scene and immerses them in the action, meaning they are completely engrossed in what is beginning presented to them.

The skills I have developed and learnt throughout this task has been, firstly, how to set the camera up ready for filming, whether that be on the tripod, or just the positioning of the shots. In turn this skill helped ease the filming process of our thriller as I was aware of how to quickly prepare the camera. In regards to filming, I have developed a vast knowledge of camera angles and shot, all of which I had no knowledge of before the preliminary task. Some angles and shots I have become familiar with are, mid shot, long shot, panning, close up's etc. In addition I have developed a new found understanding for the editing process of a film, such as my thriller, with the help of Final Cut Pro X. The editing of our preliminary task and our thriller opening were very similar, so this meant myself and my group could easily work together to quickly and efficiently produce our thriller, without the wasted time getting used to the program. In conclusion, everyone of the new skills I have gained adapted were all applicable to the creation of our thriller film, therefore I feel it was a crucial learning process we could not have missed out on, as it would have seriously impaired our thriller opening.

As Evaluation- Question 6

As Evaluation- Question 4

Who would be the audience for you media product?

Having a suitable target audience is one of the main factors considered when creating any form of film.When first looking into the creation of myself and my groups opening thriller, we researched the wide variety of age ratings and what their requirements were for that type of audience. As well as my ground and I collected information in the form a style of interview, when in which we has organised a series of questions and filmed their response. Through our research into the BBFC's age ratings and peoples responses to thriller films, we decided that an age rating of 15 would be suitable as our target audience. The selection of people myself and my group interviewed were all teenagers and they we on to express how crucial it was for the characters of our thriller film to be teenagers themselves. Mostly all of the teenage we talked to agreed that by having the characters of the same age would mean they could easily relate with the characters on screen, and in turn provoke a greater emotional response to the action on screen. As well as this, myself and my group members all fit into this young adult/ teenage age bracket, therefore it makes it easy for us to determine what a 15+ audience would look for in a thriller film. Through research we discovered that the 15+ audience would be a combination of both male and females; neither gender seemed to out weigh the other. Within our groups opening thriller film we created the two female victims as extremely stereotypical of what teenagers are expected to be like. For example, the two female victims are shown as reckless and rebellious as they walk the streets intoxicated. However, it was crucial we didn't only present a stereotypical view of teenagers to our target audience, therefore, we have included the juxtaposing antagonist. The antagonist is of a 15+ age group; by having the antagonist of the same age as our demographic, this means that our audience will be unintentionally relating to elements of the antagonist's character, which will make the audience tense and shock by what someone just like themselves could be capable of. Finally, myself and my group feel as though we have created a successful thriller opening which caters to our intended audience. This is through the use of typical thriller conventions and the relatable characters, which help draw the audience in and leave them more shocked when the dark and horrific events begin to take place.

As Evaluation- Question 3

AS Evaluation- Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Within my thriller opening there are a total of 4 characters, however one of the characters (the young boy) is featured as the antagonists younger self. The other characters are the two female victims. My group and I decided we didn't want to have too many characters as this would help the audience to quickly grasp the narrative within the 2 minutes or so. As well as this, it is highly conventional for a thriller opening to only feature a few characters as to keep the start of the film simple and gripping for the audience. For example, in the thriller film 'Halloween' there are 3 characters shown, the sister/young girl, the boyfriend of the girl and the antagonist, later found out to be the young boy. 

The young antagonist is displayed subversively, as they are perceived by the audience to be unhappy a trait not usually associated from a young child, this could be seen through the characters body language. The young boy has his back to the audience therefore the viewer can only assume the character is sad and craves the calm quietness of being alone. This immediately informs the viewer that myself and my group's narrative will follow a dark and sinister tone, contrasted by a familiar and mundane setting. Gender is presented through the use of costume; the child is seen wearing a bulky winter jacket and a simplistic hat, although the audience can only the view the child in clack an white, they can infer from the stereotypical trousers and coat that the child is a male. The iconography of the swing the child is sitting upon enhances the innocence and youth portrayed by the child, meaning any audience members with young siblings, children, friends etc can relate to the young boy causing them to present feelings of sympathy for the character.

The first female victim in question is  presented as young, blonde and intoxicated. Her blondeness is a typical convention employed in thriller films to convey the stereotype of a naive and vulnerable character. The second female victim is brunette providing contrast and creates a typical female friendship pairing. Both female victims are shown to be intoxicated , again fitting a stereotype of teenage behavior. This makes the characters instantly recognizable to an audience consisting of our target demographic,  young people aged 15- 20,  and  so more likely to invoke an empathetic response in the viewer.

The antagonist embodies many stereotypical and key conventions of the thriller genre, one of which , creating mystery and tension. In a patriarchal society with males in a position of dominance and power it is conventional to place them in the role of the antagonist, this also references traditional fairy-tales with a dark , masculine villain and weak innocent female . The audience would be familiar with this stereotype and so clearly understand the balance of power between the characters and the likely outcome of their meeting. It also creates an enigma, as the audience may speculate as to whether the female victims will be saved from their fate by a heroic protagonist. 

Thursday 5 March 2015

AS evaluation- Question 1

AS evaluation- Question 1 
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?

Our genre of film we were issued when we began exploring our media brief was, the thriller genre. The thriller genre follows many key and easily distinguishable conventions. In general the genre appeals to a demographic of thrill seekers, those who find excitement in becoming scared by the action presented on screen. If we are to look at the thriller genre analytically we can see that there are reoccurring elements that help create a highly conventional style of film, these are usually referred to as the 3S', shock, suspense and surprise. In particular, low key lighting, setting of a  destitute and abandoned nature, eerie non diegetic music or heart beat sound effects, extreme close ups, and a variety of other elements are all used to enhance the 3S' and subsequently improve the viewing for the audience.

A use of low key lighting immediately indicates to the audience that the film they are watching fits into the thriller genre. This element of the film is used to present a clear contrast of the areas of dark and light on screen, this contrast can be used to focus the viewer attention onto one specific element of the scene. Low key lighting is used in this particular way within 'Insidious', when the main protagonist is searching through a parallel universe for his son.

Insidious- 'Happy Family Scene'

Insidious- 'Happy Family Scene'

The low key lighting is used to cast shadows and areas of darkness, this in turn creates a mysterious and eerie atmosphere, that subsequently builds tension. In this scene displayed in the image to the right, the protagonist is searching around a dated and dark house within a parallel universe. The scene is only lit with the protagonist’s lantern, paired with the darkness this creates a vast amount of shadow upon the characters displayed. The shadows help to somewhat distort the faces of the characters and intensify the suspense, as the darkness exaggerates their smiles, which present a paradox between the dark and sinister themes the scene is portraying.

A running theme with every film within the thriller genre is that they feature both a protagonist and antagonist; this was first brought to light within Aristotle's narrative theory. Stereotypical a female is usually seen playing the role of a protagonist or victim as they can easily be seen as unaware and vulnerable. It is however important that the character remains realistic so the audience can relate to the character and form an attachment that will later on enhances the audience’s reaction, when the character inevitably is placed in some form of danger. This believability can be achieved through the use of a variety of elements of mise-en-scene. An example of this stereotypical female victim can be seen within the classic 'Here's Johnny' scene from the classic thriller 'The Shining'. Within this scene the female protagonist is hiding behind the bathroom door, holding a knife, in fear of her husband, who is desperately trying to break through the door to harm her. The victim is snowed into the bathroom so the audience is well aware that there is no escape for the character. The audience are left feeling sympathetic towards the character and tense as they await the victim’s fate. As well as this, the characters facial expressions of horror and despair leave the audience helpless and tense as they simply just watch the action unfold before them.

Setting- 'Cabin In The Woods'
The setting of a thriller film is essential as it provides crucial information about the scene and provokes a response from the audience. A setting in its self can also be a good indicator of what genre of film it is, i.e if the film was set in a beautiful park, on a sunny day in the spring time, we could infer that this film would most likely be a romantic comedy, so the viewer could expect the characters to be a couple. In regards to thriller films however, if the viewer were to see an old, dark, abandoned house, they would automatically consider this to be a film within the thriller genre. An example of an extremely conventional thriller setting is displayed within 'cabin in the woods'. The title of the film gives a clear indication as to where the film is likely to be set and as it claims, it is in fact set in a cabin in the woods. The cabin is both completely secluded from any means of connection to basic necessitates, such as emergency services, shops, reception, and the cabin itself is dark, damaged and derelict. With all of this in mind, the setting immediately informs the viewer that the characters are in serious trouble if anything bad happens, as they have no way to call for help. In turn, this leaves the audience extremely tense and nervous as they patiently watch to see what inevitable danger the characters are faced with and can only solve by themselves.

Iconography- knife from the film 'Halloween'
 Iconography is crucial within thriller films especially as it is a great way to immediately build a sense of tension and help emphasise a foreshadowing of what is to come. Conventionally within thriller films it is likely that the iconography of the scene will be something like a murder weapon. For example, within the classic thriller 'Halloween' a knife is presented within the opening scene. The use of the iconography i.e the knife, has had a vast impact upon the film as it forebodes the danger and blood shed to come, whilst building an atmosphere of suspense and tension, as the audience watch on the edge of their seats to witness what the character holding the knife will do next. In addition, within the opening of 'Halloween' the audience are introduced to the female character, however the identity of the character that picks up the knife is concealed. This in turn intensifies the suspense within the audience as they begin to sympathise with the female character, as she is currently unaware that there is someone in her house and approaching her with a knife.

close up- 'The Nightmare on Elm Street'
Cinematography is also fundamental as it also works to provoke a response from the 
audience. In regards to a thriller film there are certain camera angles that are more conventional of this genre than other angles and shots, these include; Hand held camerawork, extreme close ups and long shots. Both a long shots and extreme close ups were featured within the new adaption of the film 'The Nightmare On Elm Street'.
Long Shot- ' The Nightmare on Elm Street'
The long shot helps to make the female victim appear smaller. This is done so that the audience are aware that she is vulnerable and the smallest in status and power within the scene. As well as this, the setting for this long shot is the victims old school; the long shot presents the immediate and unwelcome nostalgia and although the setting is not real and merely a dream state of the female characters, the long shot frames her 
perfectly into the setting, almost reverting her back to her childlike state. The long shot causes the audience to become extremely tense as the female victim become even more powerless and also provokes a sense of empathy toward the female, as the audience witness a vulnerable and exposed feeling most of the audience have been subject to in their lives.

 The use of the extreme close up, allows the audience, not only to clearly see the item displayed, but also to become aware of its importance within the film. The close up image on the right displays the killer scraping his blades against a metal pole. This close up is crucial as it used to display how powerful and lethal the killers 'hands' are, as well as present a clear foreboding of what the killer is about to do to the victim, with the metal work representing her flesh. This close up will therefore make the viewer extremely nervous as they sympathise for the victim and what pain may be imminently inflicted upon her. As well as this, a shallow focus is also featured within this image from the scene, this works well with the close up as the audience are tense with fear of what’s to come and also reminded of the victims presence, through the use of the out of focus silhouette, which intensifies the tense atmosphere as the audience watch, with bated breathes, to find out what will happen to the victim.

'Here's Johnny'- The Shining
Editing styles may be significantly harder to identify, compared to all of the micro elements mentioned above, however this does not mean that it does not build tension and suspense. A jump cut is commonly used within thriller films especially within the most climatic scene, for example, a jump cut is used within 'The Shining' just as the husband axes the door and speaks the famous line, 'here's Johnny!'. The use of the jump cut imitates the viewer’s nervous and tense reaction; as the camera switches to different angles of the scene, this causes the audience's eyes to fleet to a variety of elements, leaving them desperately tense as they are unable to focus on a broad a clear view of the climactic scene. As well as enhancing the tension built a jump cut is also used to speed up the scene, removing the unneeded seconds and getting straight to what the audience wants, the action. In regards to 'The Shining', this increased pace is extremely effective during the axe scene as the audience are inevitably shocked when the axe slices through the door. In turn this particular scene has already succeeded to cover the 3 S'- suspense, shock and surprise, key elements to any successful, conventional thriller film.

In addition, sound can be used within thriller films to enhance tension, aid the portrayal of the narrative, as well as displaying a sense of foreboding. The use of non-diegetic sound within a thriller film can engage an audience whilst the characters on screen may be completely silent. An example of effective non diegetic sound (i.e a soundtrack) could be applied to the car park chase scene with in the famous thriller 'Scream'. The female character is chased by a stranger within the car park looking to kill the female victim. The music correlates perfectly with the scene as it maintains a fast tempo and included a call and response of soprano, eerie notes played by a typically chilling violin, and echoed by orchestral bass notes. The high and low pitched notes connote the manic interaction between the victim and antagonist, portraying how the antagonist is persistent and will follow everyone one of the victims moves, in order to capture and kill the female. The music described gives a voice to the scene, as the characters do not speak. A chase scene within the thriller genre is highly conventional, therefore, by combining these elements, it not only builds a suspenseful atmosphere, and it also reminds the audience that they are watching a thriller film.  Sound can also help to increase the pace of the scene making it more 'jumpy' for the audience, provoking a shocked response from the viewer, leaving them on edge, like any conventional thriller film aims to achieve. This therefore represents how crucial sound is to any thriller film, as in a way it plays the role of a crucial, omniscient character.

From the outset I and my group, consisting of Rishika Sohal and Jemimah Ali, made sure that we had clearly stated what conventions of a thriller film can be recognized within almost every film within this genre. By doing so, this gave us a base foundation to work with, allowing us to progress quickly into creating our media product. Firstly, I and my group decided to set our thriller opening within a forest, although we agreed that it wouldn't be set in the forest for the entire opening, as this would reduce the amount of tension and suspense created by the forest setting. With this in mind we decided to first feature the forest setting during the chase scene, as this is the most climatic scene of our thriller opening and the setting would enhance the audiences feelings of confusion, suspense and tension. The idea of the forest setting is to capture the female victim at her weakest and most vulnerable moment without opening and intensify this by placing her in a vast, unknown setting, making her character seem even smaller, causing the audience to sympathise for her and keep watching, to find out what her fate will be.

In regards to iconography, we had originally mentioned the use of a weapon such a knife; however myself and my group decided that this would be too cliqued. By not displaying any form of weapon to the audience meant that the viewer would question how one of the female victims died and in turn create in their minds the victims cause of death. With a small time bracket of roughly 2 minutes, this meant we saved crucial seconds by letting the audience decide how the victim died and not displaying it clearly instead. As well as this, by not featuring any form of murder weapon this would imply that the antagonist possibly killed the female victim with their bare hands. This idea would be very chilling for the audience as they realise what humans can be capable of and are subsequently shocked.

 We used a mask for the antagonist, to conceal their identity; hidden identity is highly conventional within thriller films, especially in regards to the antagonist. A hidden identity is highly effective because, the audience are in a constant state of confusion as they continuously question who the antagonist is, and what their motives are for wanting kill the female protagonist. Our group decided on the use of a white mask in particular, this was because of two reasons. The first reason being that the white could be easily seen during our prevalent use of low key lighting. The second being that colour white, associated with purity and innocence, could present the connotations that the antagonist is much like any other person in appearance, pure, good in faith, honest etc, however underneath lies a killer, ruthless with a complete lack of 'humanity'.

My group and I made sure we had included a broad range of cinematography in our thriller opening, which we agreed would help to make our opening more engaging and interesting for the audience. For example, our group made sure that we featured more than one point of view shots as we recognised that these were highly conventional, allowing the audience to be a part of the scene and immerse themselves within the action. The first time a point of view shot is featured within our thriller opening is when Shona, playing the first female victim, approached the 'dead' body of the antagonist.
The camera angle-
Shona/ female victim's Point of View Shot
only allows the audience to view the female protagonist feet whilst she walks, meaning that they cannot view the antagonist and his immediate response to the female victim. In turn, by reducing the amount the audience can see within the scene provokes tension and suspense as they are unaware of what exactly is going on, and causes them to create the action in their head. Also the use of a point of view shot helps the audience to put themselves in the position of the victim, creating a stronger audience and character bond, which means that the viewer is likely to be more sympathetic as they are placed in the characters position and developed a form of understanding for what the female victim is going through. A point of view shot is also feature with the chase scene in the forest. This shot was used to place the audience in the female victim’s position and make them feel more tense and scared as they feel as though they are running themselves.

Editing styles may be hard to distinguish, however they are crucial, this is why our group decided that we would a few particular techniques to make our opening thriller interesting and engaging for the audience. An example of the techniques we used could be, the reaction shot featured towards the end of our opening thriller, when josie, playing the remaining female victim, spots the antagonist and screams in both shock and horror. The reaction shot allowed the audience to witness the full extent of the victims desperation and despair, leaving them on the edge of their seats as they are urging the scene to continue, so they can find out exactly what happens to the female victim they have grown attached to.

As sound is extremely important to films of the thriller genre, myself and my group felt that it was easy to make our thriller opening more conventional simply by adding music to the scenes. To introduce our thriller opening we used a combination of contrapuntal sounds. For example, during the flash back at the very beginning the sounds of children singing merrily, combined with eerie undertones fills the scene of the child sitting on the swing. These sounds are used together create an eerie atmosphere that will leave the audience tense, as the happy singing children do not match the creepy distorted pulses of sound. The non-diegetic sound used creates a parallel from the normality of the child on the swing and forebodes that our opening will breach the normality of everyday life

In order to show my understanding of the conventions and development of a thriller film I have compared my thriller opening to the film, 'Scream'. The film is about a masked antagonist that murders teenagers, mostly female victims, in the small town of Woodsboro. A similarity that can be drawn for this example is the use of iconography, i.e the mask, hiding the identity of the killer. However, unlike myself and my groups thriller opening, the film begins with the killer masked, giving no information away about the antagonist. Our thriller opening briefly features a close-up of Josh/ the antagonist’s unmasked face and a connection is made by the audience that the character is likely to be the antagonist, through the use of angry and aggressive facial expressions displayed. However, although the audience are somewhat aware of whom the antagonist is this does not hinder the effectiveness of the concealed identity. The brief image of the unmasked antagonist intensifies the question as to what the antagonist’s motives for killing are. Also the image portrays to the audience how the antagonist is likely to be extremely disturbed, as they put on the mask and adapt a new persona before inevitably killing the final female victim. As well as this, they are still left question whether this chara
cter shown was the killer, or perhaps plays a different role within the narrative.

A correlation between 'Scream' and our opening thriller is that the location of both follow the same conventional thriller approach. The words 'small town' immediately imply that the population is very limited, and if something horrific were to take place there would be not many people to immediately help, this setting for 'Scream' makes the audience aware that there isn't much escape for the characters if something bad were to take place. Our thriller opening also took place in a quiet town, desolate in people, clear for any audience that our female victims were extremely vulnerable as they would not be able to inquire help or assistance immediately, if at all. The effect of the small town setting of our thriller opening was, to make the audience feel tense as the setting provided an uncomfortable claustrophobia, as they begin to realise that the female victims have little escape. As well as this, the setting was used to further baffle the view because, within little towns mostly everyone knows everyone, this therefore implies that the killer is known or connected to the girls in some way. This unanswered question leaves the gripped, tense and wanting more of the thriller film.

Similar to 'Scream' a prevalent theme of low key lighting is used. For example, when the scene is set at an open air movie theatre, and as the film projects on to the characters faces who are viewing the film in the scene, dark shadows are cast over their faces. This forebodes that an underlining darkness is amongst the characters, proving to be true when someone is murdered during the open air showing. Our opening featured also featured the use of low key lighting, highly conventional for most thriller films. The low key lighting is most prominent in our opening thriller within the chase scene in the forest. The chase scene of a thriller film is classically the most climatic scene, therefore, if the audience cannot see the action clearly, this will cause them to scrutinize every detail they can see and become completely engrossed within the film. In turn the viewer will become increasing tense as they wait to witness what will become of the female victim, as well as urge the opening thriller to continue, so they can see what happens next.

In addition, another key similarity between 'Scream' and myself and my groups opening thriller, could be the use of female victims. 'Scream' features many female victims, for example, Drew Barrimore's character who talks carelessly over the phone with a stranger, until she realisies that the unknown caller is in fact the killer, thus making the female to seem extremely innocent and naive. Within our opening thriller our group decided that we would take this idea and adapt it to fit in our scene, as it worked to display a typical female victim quickly and effectively. Therefore we adapted this idea so one of the female victims was talking on the phone in a drunken state, whilst the other, also drunk, desperately tries to grasp her attention, failing, leaving her to walk alone towards the antagonist on the road. As soon as the audience witness how vulnerable the females characters are and how they are both not cooperating properly with each other, this will leave the audience extremely tense and sympathetic for the characters.

A general comparison between the thriller film 'Scream' and our opening thriller film is obviously not a fair one, as we were only provided two minutes in which to present a selection of generic thriller elements and not all. However, I feel myself and my groups in depth exploration into the key thriller conventions allowed to develop a vast understanding of how they could be used effectively within our short amount of time. The main goals being to make sure we had touched upon the 3 S', shock, suspense and surprise, and personally I feel we worked to achieve most of these three with our brief opening.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Humanity Off- Final Cut

West Hatch High School- 16807
Eleanor Hutchins- 3085
I also worked along side; 
Rishika Sohal- 9155
Jemimah Ali- 9002

Monday 19 January 2015

Planning Opening Credits- Miss Georgiou

Planning Opening Credits

Opening credits are displayed during the beginning of mostly all media products. They are used to convey the main roles involved in the production process and who was involved. In regards to a film they are usually ordered as followed; the most featured actors within the film, then usually followed with the title and the rest of the production members. For many films the credits are presented over the top of the action, introducing the audience to the film, as well as all of the various people that helped create the film. Sometimes however the credits are simply paired with a static image or blank screen. The editing style of the credits and the font helps to create a foreboding for the audience, as to what type of film they are about to watch and what is likely to happen. Within this post I will be evaluating the techniques featured in the opening credits of the classically acclaimed thriller film, 'Se7en', and discussing the myself and my groups personal progression towards our finalized opening credits. 

Se7en's Opening credits

Firstly, these credits are presented over moving images and shown in a prevalent white text colour. The colours presented throughout the credits are predominately black and white with subtle red suggestions. A black and white theme within thriller films is highly conventional, displaying connotations of two apposing sides i.e. good and evil. The white tones are used to represent innocence, which in turn leaves the viewer immediately questioning how the theme of innocence is applicable to the film, as they become aware that the film is presented through the perspective of two detectives. The black tones also represent mystery created by the seemingly illogical compilation of fleeting images. The theme of mystery is also a foreboding of what is to come within the thriller film. 
The first introduction to the colour red is at 0:12 of this clip; a red line is centered between a drawing of two hands. For this image we can infer that the colour red represents blood, and the ominous character holds the blood of another or life between their hands, hinting at a sinister form of power and control by a foreboding murderous character.
 The font of the credits them self are conveyed in about two font types; the first is a style similar to a type writer and is used for the title and the main roles (such as director). The other font is a type of scribbled, childlike style; the immature childish text is used to enhance a sinister tone from the outset as the idea of a child's presence is disturbing, considering the gruesome imagery being shown. The childlike writing could also promote a troubling naivety and lack of understanding for right and wrong. In turn suggesting the mystery character, implied within the opening credits, is not in the slightest remorseful for their actions, a trait that encapsulates the twisted mind of a psychopath. 
The editing style of these credits are what I would describe as manic. There is no consistent rhythm portrayed for the transition of the images shown, each one harshly flicks to the next one. The fast flashes of images creates a disturbing viewing as some of the images are so fast the viewer can not make out what they are showing. The hidden images from the audience creates the idea of subliminal messaging, which in turn leaves the viewer immediately anxious from the hidden imagery and mystery created. In addition, the text itself is layered with effects, differing from white flashes and overlapping of text. The over lapping effect is followed through into the transition of shots also. Personally if I were to look in depth, as to why this effect is used, I feel that the fading could represent the slow deterioration of the ominous character's victims as they become hazy through the loss of blood. It is highly conventional of a thriller film to include a point of view shot from the victim as their vision becomes increasingly distorted and indistinguishable once they have been seriously injured. In turn I feel this imagery fits well with this over lapping and therefore forebodes the deaths to come for the audience. 
The use of sound with 

why credits important

se7en credit analysis

my credits
rishikas credits
jemimahs credits 

what we agreed on- rishikas

Monday 5 January 2015

Rough Cut

Rough Cut

The creation of a rough cut is an important stage of developing and finalising our opening thriller sequence. Through this it allows our group to develop a variety of constructive criticism from a range of sources. Despite the unfinished quality of the clip we have created thus far, this rough cut will still greatly resemble our final piece, so the viewers can still provide their opinions and help us to grasp what improvements need to be made, whilst we have not yet finalised our thriller opening. Without proceeding to do a rough cut , myself and my group would not receive the crucial criticism needed to reach our full potential, meaning we would not be able to present a high quality of work, through our thriller sequence.

Audience feedback is extremely important to consider as it provides a variety of new perspective views myself and fellow group members would not of spotted, most likely due to our extensive exposure to our clip. This feedback will help define our main strength and weaknesses, allowing us to devote our time sufficiently upon the key areas of weakness. 

In order to collect our audience feedback we used two types methods, this allowed us to gather a variety of response from a range of ages. The two methods we used were, peer assessment within our media class, as well as asking family and friends to review our rough cut clip, published to youtube, and post an evaluative response in the comments. 
Firstly, our group proceeded to present  our rough cut to our peers within our class. We collected a variety of responses from individuals, introducing us to few new perspectives of our clip and more importantly how we can improve our sequence. When showing the rough cut clip to the class of student this was our groups first time we had watched it in its entirety so whilst watching I noticed a few weaknesses immediately, elements we would have noticed easily if we had watched it in full, before we had uploaded to youtube, i.e background commentary from members of our group during filming we had overlooked and not deleted. Once the audience of students had provided us with their insight into our sequence, our teacher presented her personal opinion of our thriller opening and summarised our strengths and weaknesses, making it clear what we had exceeded in and what we needed to improved next. Some of her opinions, in regards to our strengths included the high quality of acting and its ability to sustain a conventional low key lighting. The weaknesses of ours in her opinion are the lack of attention to detail (i.e unintentional background noise) and transitions between frames. Another benefit of this style of peer assessment for me was not only hearing a plethora of comments and suggestions, but also for me the analysis of other class members work allowed me to view a different narrative from mine, but still gather ideas that can be applied to my thriller opening that would help to improve it. 

Secondly, we then asked is friends and family would view our thriller opening and provide us with constructive feedback. We then received three responses in the form of youtube comments;



Through both peer assessing and the comments posted to our published rough cut clip I have gathered that generally the main strengths of our opening thriller clip were the following;

  • Prevalent use of well presented low key lighting- a nighttime theme is captured throughout our clip and is therefore predominantly dark. This constant ill lighting emphasises the eerie atmosphere we aimed to achieve, a quality highly conventional of the thriller genre.
  • excellent use of music accentuates the sustained tension and ambiguity- the specifically commended section of our sequence was the beginning. This was due to our good use of eerie parallel and contrasting sounds and music. For example, the sounds of children laughing were paired with tension building, cinematic music A juxtaposition of sounds that our audience agreed were presented with excellent conviction, especially in regards to the scene of the child on the swing it is played behind. 
  • Well conveyed variety of camera shots- our audience concluded that our use of varied camera angles, whether that be high angles, low angles or handheld shots. Our feedback informed our group that the compilation of diverse camera angles created an interesting clip for the viewer, as their eyes are averted to numerous elements of the action, with distant shots providing a sense of location and close up shots creating an uncomfortable invasion of the viewers personal space.
  • Great acting- many of our audience commented upon the high standard of acting we captured. A high standard of acting is crucial in order to easily convey a believable narrative, capturing an audience.


  • Unintentional background dialogue- Within the our clip, whilst the protagonist is captured running away from the antagonist, featured background dialogue was noticed by our audience. Because we had not yet watched our clip in entirety we had not spotted this error before we had published the clip on youtube. 
  • The opening of the antagonist's eyes as he awakes from his flashback was not clear enough- the opening of the antagonist's eyes was intended to create a great impact, paired with a loud sound effect. However due to our actors fair colouring and the low key lighting our audience have agreed that the impact was not as effective as it could of been. Also the clip itself was a little delayed when paired with the sound effect, in turn meaning a vast sense of tension was not created.
  • Too many effects used on the credits- one of the comments posted onto our video and mentioned during our peer assessing was that our credits to complex in the sense that a vast quantity of effects were used over the original text. This not only made it hard for the audience to read the credits, but the fleeting, scatty nature of the text was very distracting, whilst the viewer was trying to analyse the action on screen.
In conclusion, myself and my group have found the process of creating a rough cut of our opening thriller clip and presenting it to an audience, extremely helpful. This is because we have gathered a variety of helpful feed back that we can then use to improve the quality of our clip. The next steps to improving our thriller film are as follows; firstly, we must delete the background noise of people conversing whilst we were filming. This is very easily done by muting all sound within the clip and simply playing dramatic, cinematic music over the top of the clip using the program of final cut xpro. The music paired with these particular frames must create a vastly suspenseful atmosphere, as the victim is chased by the antagonist and the audience is made to feel sympathetic for the character. The next weakness of ours is the waking up of the antagonist, specifically as his eyes open. To improve this were have talked about me applying a light coat of mascara on his eye lashes to make his eyes bolder. Finally, we have also discussed the over use of effects used for the credits and have agreed to limit these. In particular we have made sure there is no credit used whilst we have the 'street cam' filter over our frames at the bus stop. As well as this, we have made sure that we have reduced the amount the credits shake; the shaking effect on the credits makes the text very unclear and distracting, therefore we have only used this particular effect for one or two names, creating a variation but not over using it. 
At our next group meeting we shall raise these issues brought to our attention by our feedback from an audience and discuss a way to improve these weaknesses in way we can all agree is most effective. We have already briefly discussed the constructive criticism we had receive and are extremely happy to receive a variety of fresh view points that we had not originally seen, thus helping us easily improve our over all thriller clip and subsequent grade attached to this. 

                                                 'Humanity Off- Rough Cut'

Sunday 4 January 2015

Opening Sequence Analysis

Opening Sequence Analysis 

The purpose of an opening sequence is to entice the audience, gripping them with suspense, surprise and shock. An opening provides an initial insight into the characters and plot, leaving the viewer with a desire to watch more, in order to uncover all of the secrets, hidden in the narrative. The opening scene from 'Halloween' is a brilliant portrayal of a simplistic yet effective opening, convectional of a typical thriller film. Therefore making it perfect for my analysis..


Camera angles and shots are crucial as they provide the image the audience views on screen