Friday 12 December 2014

Production Roles- Miss Miller

Production Roles- Miss Miller

When making a film, allocating specified roles within the group is essential to create structure and the general process increasingly smooth running and organised. As well as this, as each member will be issued a role this allows equal involvement from each group member. In addition, the issuing of roles allows each aspect of production to be evenly focused upon and makes the task seem less daunting, as each person one had to specify in one sector of the production process.
The main roles needed for the creation of a film are;

  • Actors- The actors are crucial to the narrative meaning the film needs to include them to work as a film.
  • Directors-This role regards to complete creative management of the the film piece, ensuring that the narrative and story board is visually brought to life, whilst working hard to include all artistic views and aspects, knowing when to improvise something new into a scene if it not running smoothly.
  • Director of Photography- This role refers to the control of how each frame is lit and staged 
  • Editor- An editor works with the final shots captured and helps to join them in a conventionally effective manner, cutting, trimming and transforming frames collected and making eventually creating a film.
  • Mise-en-scene Coordinator-to prepare and plan all elements, such as, lighting, iconography, costume, makeup etc. 
  • Music Producer- to plan and create music that would work effectively in each scene of the the film, with the main aim to make the music conventional and emotive for an audience, working hand in hand with the action on screen.
  • Producer- Their role is to manage the over all film production, preparing and supervising the film before it is worthy of an audience.
  • Screenplay Writer- This is the role of writing the script for filming and the general detailed, structural plan used and referred back to by all members, during the filming process.
Due to my entire film production being completed as a group, we decided that is would be more efficient to issue each member of our group with a role. This allows us to individually analyse one or two elements of the filming process, thus providing a concentrated and detailed response to each section of our thriller film production. As well as this, creating a film from scratch can be a very daunting task, by giving each member a section of their own to work upon ensures that all members are confident in what they have to do, creating a relaxed working environment and lack of tension within the group.

My role within the group is mise-en-scene coordinator and music producer. My knowledge of special effects makeup meant that it was easy for me to look into makeup and the iconography element of MES, and make decisions i.e that blood capsules would provide an effective, as well as, realistic quality to our film. In addition, I have completed many music grades, all of which that involve the listening and analyzing of a piece of music. This experience of analysis has provided me with a good understanding of what music is typical of what genre, and also, what subtle music qualities help to emphasize particular themes within our thriller, for example, a clear division of bass notes and soprano shrills present the two opposing sides of the antagonist and protagonist. 

We as a group felt it was easy to place the role of screen writer and director upon Jemimah. This is because we are mostly using her narrative for our thriller film, meaning she has an clear knowledge of what the main aims of the narrative are, and how we can visually present them through her mental image and expectations of the films. Her roles within the group meant she had to provide us with a clear direction when filming. This in turn provided effective, as she could decoratively state what, when and where during filming. Myself and my other group member Rishika, could simply follow this and offer our personal opinion, if we felt her direction was not quiet concentrated or conventional enough to our thriller film. Also, Jemimah is a highly experienced drama student, and has therefore had a lot of experience in directing, with the sole purpose of entertaining an audience. As well as this the improvisation of a scene, when it does not prove as effective as it once seemed, is something she will have come across often within drama, meaning she can easily think on her feet and provide a quick alternative, essential during our first filming session. 

Rishika took upon the responsibilities of editor and director of photography. The reason behind this choice of role was because, during filming for our preliminary task, Rishika was behind the camera filming and creating a variety of shots. In turn, this meant she had to focus upon how each frame was lit and the situated within the scene. Due to Rishika's current subject of art, this has provided her with the artistic experience to explore the visual direction of our thriller film, creatively analyzing the small details. Her artistic qualities also make her a great editor as her experience allows her to look into the individual frames collected and analyse the small details that make up a great thriller film. Furthermore, we as a group decided to use Rishika's opening credits, in particular for its clear thriller conventions and swift transitions, created on final cut pro x. The editing of our thriller film will also be done through this program, meaning she has a great grasp of how to use it effectively for our thriller film. 

Personally, I feel happy with the decisions made towards roles, and feel we all thrived within the jobs we had been individually set. Our variety of qualities in our group made it very easy to pick the roles and later apply ourselves. I don't feel as though I would changed anything in terms of the roles agreed, this is because the filming process flowed smoothly and effortlessly, with only minor issues. However, I also feel as though it would have been a good opportunity to expand my knowledge of editing, through an editor role, as I also have artistic experience and still not a solid grasp of all that final cut pro, the editing software, therefore this would allow me to become more familiar with the program, as well as, presenting my ability to look at the fine details. Although this would have been a good opportunity, I stand by the fact that the roles were correctly issued, as each individual was given a role suited around their strongest abilities. Thus meaning we could provide our best interpretation of a thriller film.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic explanation of the roles involved in production, and a good explanation as to why each person was allocated their specific role, but no analysis as to how they did.

    You need to:
    1) Write a paragraph for each person, analysing what they did well/could have done differently within their roles and how this enabled filming/editing
    2) Conclusion should give a general analysis of filming and whether things went well, and how you might have done things differently with hindsight - allocated roles to different people and why
