Wednesday 10 December 2014

Filming Schedule- Miss Geourgiou

Filming Schedule 

Myself and my group collectively created a filming schedule to abide by during our filming process, providing us with a shot by shot direction of where we should be and the time in which we should be in the allocated places. As suspected, we did not strictly follow this filming schedule, the first issue we faced that caused us to divert briefly away from our initial plan was based around the young actor of our flash back scene. We had decided upon filming the flash back with the child actor during Wednesday 3rd of December, however we had over looked that the child would still be in school, so we were forced to prospone the filming of our flash back scene to, Saturday 6th of December around 3:00, a day in which the child was not in school hours. The reasons we could not film once the child had returned home from school is that, due to it being winter the sun beings to set much sooner (3:30-4:00), meaning we would miss out on the period of time in which it was bright enough to present a day time like appearance within our flash back. Within our day of filming the flash back, we also filmed all of the frames up to frame 9, leaving those to be filmed another day when both our group and our actors could be together, to finish our thriller film. 
On Tuesday 9th of December we filmed shots 9-19. The reasons behind our delay was that the camera had run out of charge, therefore we had to allow it time to full recharge once more. As well as this, it was the only day we could find that all of my group and our cast could be all together during filming. Tuesday's day of filming evolved around capturing the main protagonist's desperate run through the forest , as she attempts to get away from the antagonist pursuing her . As well as this,  her terrified reaction, when she realizes that she has not lost him and that shes in serious danger.  
In conclusion, although we were faced with a few minor difficulties, causing us to not follow the schedule as much as we had initially planned, this allowed us to create new adaptations of our plan. In addition, it also allowed us to build upon our communication skills in our group and work together to easily amend this minor problems we faced, whilst filming.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what a filming schedule is and the benefits that it has to a production. The table that you have included, helps to demonstrates some group planning.

    Did you make any changes to your plan, while you were filming?
